Owner and publisher of the website:
SIGMA Investment AG, Vienna, Austria
The object of the company is the provision of financial services in accordance with the Securities Supervision Act (Wertpapieraufsichtgesetz, WAG).
Management Board
Mag. Markus Braun, Member of the Management Board
Mag. Christoph Arnegger, Member of the Management Board
Supervisory Board
Prof. Dr. Jörg Finsinger, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dipl.-Ing. Werner H. Bittner, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Mag. Marlene Hofmair, M.Sc., Member of the Supervisory Board
Thomas Holzinger, LL.M., Member of the Supervisory Board
Holding a share of more than 25% in the owner:
Mag. Markus Braun
Competent supervisory authorities
Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA)
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
1090 Vienna, Austria
Website: www.fma.gv.at
Austrian Economic Chambers
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
1040 Vienna, Austria
Website: www.wko.at
Anlegerentschädigung von Wertpapierfirmen GmbH
Lambrechtgasse 1/10
1040 Vienna, Austria
Website: http://www.aew.at/
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Registered office:
SIGMA Investment AG
Graben 13, 1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 (1) 533 36 62
Fax:+43 (1) 533 36 62 - 75
Other information:
Commercial register number FN 252849m ,
Commercial Court Vienna
VAT Reg. no: ATU 61225123
LEI: 5299000QL3DN1RXPA439